

Well, if you are a golfer, then you want it.

What is a flyover?

A flyover is a video of each hole on a golf course.  First, it provides you with a bird’s eye view of the hole and then, it gives you a travelling shot of the hole – as the golf ball flies – from tee-off to green.

Why do you want it?

Knowing how the hole looks will give you an advantage when planning your shot.  You will have an idea of the layout and the curvature of the hole, so you can determine the best angle to hit.  You will know where the bunkers and various hazards are, so you can plan where you want to aim and what you want to avoid.

A flyover allows you to understand what lies between you and the green.  And with this knowledge, every swing will be more strategic and you can improve your game.

Is it necessary?

You could argue that if you are playing the same golf course on a weekly basis, you would accumulate this knowledge.  But this will only come after many rounds of golf.  And even then, could you really recall the location of every bunker on all 18 holes?

Watching a video of the hole, just before you take your swing, has a far greater chance of improving your game.  And I have never met a golfer who isn’t always working on improving their game.  A hole flyover gives you an advantage, and who doesn’t want a little advantage every now and again?

As a drone videography and photography company, Aerialshots not only produces beautiful flyovers for golf course, but can also produce aerial maps and stunning club marketing videos. Find out more by visiting or emailing .