Dec 14 2017 IT’S A WRAP! FOR 2017
Yet again, we find ourselves at the end of another year. It has flown by, but it has still been a good year and we owe our thanks for that to our family, friends, colleagues and clients.
To sum up the year, we sat down with Ryan Thomas, the Aerialshots Founder and Chief-Drone-Pilot, to give us…
In our line of work, we get a glimpse into the work that other people do and see things we probably wouldn’t have seen if they didn’t need us to capture it. Sometimes, it is something ordinary. But most of the time, it is a great experience for us.
Aerialshots was recently tasked, by Maunga Projects,… -
Aug 24 2017 Filming a Maserati Breakfast Run
A Maserati is a fast, luxury car and, on a recent film shoot, the Aerialshots team got as close to one as we are ever going to get.
We were shooting the Maserati Breakfast Run which comprised of meeting at the Maserati showroom in Johannesburg, taking the Maseratis out for a spin in the direction of…